Jin Shin Jyutsu® translates to:
"Art of the creator thru person of knowing & compassion".
May be used alone or in combination with Western Medicine for following projects:
*Digestive *Heart *Blood *Fatigue/Stress *Chemo/Radiation *Migraines *Sleep *Addictions *PTSD *Newborns/Infants *Relaxation *Back/body pains *Clear thinking *Pre/Post Surgery *Burns *Caregivers *Improved Posture *Dementia *Stroke *Growths *Anxiety *Hospice *Lupus/MS *Child Birth *Fertility *Anger/Frustration *Whiplash *Breathing *Elderly *Diabetes *Arthritis *Increased Energy *Vision/Eyes *Colds/Virus *Pre & Post Vaccination *Sore Muscles *Snoring *Grief *Sadness
Energy is everywhere in everything, including the Hands On & Self Help healing art harmonizing Mind-Body & Spirit Jin Shin Jyutsu!
A light touch therapy referenced as a refined form of acupressure, like acupuncture without the needles, and IS an Energy Medicine.
A simple way to describe this is Calmtouch for your well being!
We all do self help naturally everyday using our own two hands as it is inherited wisdom.
Our bodies are made up of massive amounts of cells; most recent estimate each of us have about 30 trillion cells, of which are made of molecules made up of atoms, made of subatomic particles which equals: Energy!
We are energy
Using your own two hands with conscious breathing can cast away "dis" ease!
Jin Shin Jyutsu, is a beautiful art, a powerful, yet simple tool for addressing existing stress or on going health "projects" & used as a complement to conventional healing methods.
A light touch therapy referenced as a refined form of acupressure, like acupuncture without the needles, and IS an Energy Medicine.
A simple way to describe this is Calmtouch for your well being!
We all do self help naturally everyday using our own two hands as it is inherited wisdom.
Our bodies are made up of massive amounts of cells; most recent estimate each of us have about 30 trillion cells, of which are made of molecules made up of atoms, made of subatomic particles which equals: Energy!
We are energy
Using your own two hands with conscious breathing can cast away "dis" ease!
Jin Shin Jyutsu, is a beautiful art, a powerful, yet simple tool for addressing existing stress or on going health "projects" & used as a complement to conventional healing methods.
Debi Rappaport, LMT, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner, Self Help Instructor & Class Organizer
Thank you for stopping by my website.
OBMT Lic # 13155
~ debi@calmtouch.com ~
*Jin Shin Jyutsu® and the information on this website is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment or emergency care. If you have a medical condition, consult your regular medical professional or emergency care provider.
Thank you for stopping by my website.
OBMT Lic # 13155
~ debi@calmtouch.com ~
*Jin Shin Jyutsu® and the information on this website is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment or emergency care. If you have a medical condition, consult your regular medical professional or emergency care provider.
An EXPERIENCE that is difficult to put into words. Nothing like it truly compares.
With one session